The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Abraham Lincoln

Imagine if you had somebody to talk out all of your challenges with. Someone who is unbiased and has no personal stakes in your life. Someone who gives you the safe space so you can be your truest, daring self. Someone who supports you, challenges you and holds you accountable to the agreements you’ve made with yourself.

You don’t have to go through it all on your own. Working with a coach is the best way to stretch your sightline, gets you out of your comfort zone, get clarity what you really want, redesign your life and turn your vision into a reality.

If you feel ready to press the GO button to work on the biggest project you’ve ever worked on:

your personal growth & well being, your dreams and goals, your growth...

...then coaching is the thing for you.

> What is COACHING?

Coaching is not a miracle cure to change you in a very short time, but step by step, you are going to make your dreams come true.

IF you are willing to invest the necessary work together with me, be unapolegetically you, to fully engage with the coaching process & to follow through with the commitments you’ve made with yourself.

I’m going to challenge you with compassion and call out your limiting beliefs, blind spots, all in service to you.

You will come face to face with your fears but step by step, you learn ways to overcome them and move forward towards your goals.

It is not about the Coach giving you the answer, nor advice, it is working together to dig up the answers that were within you the whole time. It is about inquiry, asking open-ended questions, deep listening, empathy, holding you resourceful, creative and whole as a person.

Coaching process supports lasting change for you, beyond the final session and often for a lifetime.

Coaching is a creative, thought-provoking partnership that stimulate self-reflection, awaken existing talents, promotes conscious awareness and forward movement.


Get to know each other – our Discovery Session

Before the coaching process begins, we clarify whether and how I can support you. Since trust plays a major role in coaching, I offer 2 complimentary introductory sessions. In our first Discovery session, we talk about your dreams and challenges, together we will uncover your core values and you will also get clarity on how coaching can support you.

When we both decide we’re a fit, I invite you to the second Discovery session for you to experience Coaching.

Mental Fitness bootcamp

A digital 7-weeks mental fitness boot camp for you to deep-dive into Mental Toolbox through a dedicated App and build self-command muscles that are useful to overcome self-sabotaging and make your mind work for you rather than against you.

Stepping Up Fundamentals – exclusively for Women

Stepping Up Fundamentals is a 14-weeks Group Workshop & Coaching for women who enjoy connecting with a courageous and supportive group who are equally ready to get off the hamster wheels and start living intentionally.

7 carefully curated modules have been prepared to provide you with the basis for your Personal Leadership in the first 7 weeks with me, as well as access to the Group Mental Fitness bootcamp for the remaining 7 weeks.

It is the beginner’s guide towards own paths of discovery, growth and liberation so you can identify things that are truly important to you, start moving your life in the right direction and start getting MORE out of life.

Small Group capacity for Maximum Learning. Total participants will be up to 10 people.

Power Hours for Individual Coaching Journey

Each individual coaching journey is tailor-made and co-created between me and you. Your situation, your challenges, your goals, your (limiting) beliefs and your dreams define the agenda and the approach. It will be a personalized journey for you.

Together we will explore the way you see yourself and your world.

We will discover where you are now and where you want to get to, find the gaps & partner together to move you forward & create the new reality you wish to have.

You will dig deep for true transformation to happen and may not always like what you initially find.

But step by step, you will make commitments with yourself, and make new empowered habits.

So that you will turn your vision into a reality.

You will be amazed at how powerful you are.

Be more confident in your new path and be happier with the second chapter by your own design.

If we determine we’re a good fit for each other after Discovery sessions, we will set up recurring sessions.

For optimal result, the length of engagement is typically about 5-12 months (10 – 24 sessions). I do a minimum engagement of 3 months.

Frequency can be either every two or three weeks, or once monthly.

Our sessions will be held in-person or via video calls.

Completion – all good things come to an end

At the end of our coaching journey, we review the process of how you are becoming as a person throughout the coaching journey. You reflect on what has changed in you as a person that helps you overcoming challenges, shifting mindset, improving relationship, achieving your goals.


Everyone who wants to maximize their potential in both personal and professional lives as it supports lasting change and delivers insights that drive exponential impacts, lasting far beyond the final session and often for a lifetime.
This is for anyone who have any kind of goal, no matter how big or small, and want a plan of attack with accountability.
Those who are feeling stuck, unclear how to move forward, not achieving their goals.
Those who are motivated to change and develop in the name of achievement and fulfilment, even when it’s uncomfortable.

  • If you are tired of your limiting beliefs holding you back, you will connect with your natural strengths, your super powers that make you unique, grow your confidence and evoke courage so you can be more unapologetically you.
  • If you’re in never-ending quest for more success but that leaves you perpetually unsatisfied and unhappy, you will redefine your identity beyond your work, get to know yourself more profoundly, connect with your inner wisdom to re-discover yourself and find your path to fulfillment.
  • If you’re going through a transition whether it is career or location or relationship, you will shift stress and anxiety into opportunities and happiness and gain back the control in your life.

In our society we tend to value ‘Doing’ more than ‘Being’. The Co-Active Model seeks to find balance between the two.

The ‘Co-‘ in Co-Active represents the ‘Being’ aspect which includes presence, awareness, compassion, and connection.

The ‘Active’ part represents the ‘Doing’ aspect which is shown through leadership, direction, decisiveness and courageous action.

It is not advice, it is not your Coach telling you what to do, it’s working together to dig up the answers that were within you the whole time.

It is about inquiry, asking powerful open-ended questions, deep listening, emphathy, and empowering someone to become their best self.

The methodology guides clients to deepen their self-awareness, see possibilities, expand perspectives, gain clarity on the destination and initiate action.

Alongside intuition and experience, the co-active framework creates a safe space in which the client can explore and facilitates positive rewiring of the brain through ongoing focus and support.

The coaching relationship between the Coach and the Client is another interpretation of Co-Activity, working together as equals towards the goals of the client.

The Co-Active Coach® training program has been hailed as the Gold Standard by the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, who have linked the four cornerstones of the Co-Active Model to evidence-based scientific research.


Therapy generally deals with people who have emotional and behavioral difficulties, it seeks to bring client to normal function by focusing on dysfunction through diagnostics and healing.

Coaching deals with functional people who want to move towards higher function and achieve excellence. In simple words, shifting from GOOD to GREAT.

Primary focus of coaching is on manifesting potential. Healing is often a side effect.

A consultant or advisor is typically hired for their experience and ability to provide the answers. They are required to have expertise in the area where the client wants to grow.

Coaches have expertise in a creative and thought-provoking process that facilitates gaining insight for you, following through with change, attaining goals and having accountability.


Impact, Fairness, Equality and Diversity are some of my core values. It is important to me to help those who are less fortunate in the society.

I am passionate in making education more accessible to the less fortunate and breaking the cycle of poverty.

By working with me, you make a real difference to people who truly need it.

10% of my fee is donated to a charity organization of your choice from the list below:

1) International Humanity Foundation Jakarta:

IHF target children from the poorest of the poor families, residing in overcrowded slums in Bali, Medan and Jakarta in Indonesia. By providing extra after school classes such as Math, Computer and English, they supplement the inadequate public education, and also offer motivation for children to stay at school. Through the Education Programme (TEP), they also offer financial support to keep children from having to leave school. IHF for the last 25 years has evolved into an organisation whose operations are run almost completely by voluntary staff. Over the years, volunteers have stayed for periods of anywhere between one month and one year.

2) JPCC:

Jaka Perkasa Citra Cemerlang Foundation is a humanitarian organization, providing aid in remote areas in Indonesia that tend to be forgotten and where quality of life remains neglected in Nias, Kupang, Moluccas and Papua at the present time. More importantly, they empower them to stand on their feet and flourish, to be self-reliant, have access to basic needs and have a better quality of life.

JPCC initiates projects that bring transformation and empowerment to the population of these small villages as well as providing aid during natural disasters. For example their water project make clean water more accessible and sustainable, their roof project helps renovate most houses in villages, installing new corrugated metal roofs, brick walls and tile floors so they can collect rain water to supplement water needs, as well as to eliminate previous sanitation issue due to former houses built with thatched roofs & palm frond walls. They also installed solar panel equipment to bring light to the village.

3) Yayasan Lumba Lumba / Dolphin Foundation

Dolphin Foundation helps the fishermen community which is one of the poorest communities in Indonesia's capital: Jakarta. The foundation has been around for many years and with the help of the volunteers, the fishermen and family can get access to clean water and food, as well as free education for their children. There are 150 children in that district - as per latest stats provided by the foundation.

I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters that create many ripples.

Mother Teresa